An appropriate fee should be charged based on specific situation to cover the cost of service and replacement We can no longer afford the upkeep of a large house. 视具体情况收取适当的维修费用和更换零件费用我们再也担负不了一幢大房子的维修费用了。
It needs advanced maintenance theory, setting up effectual fault diagnosis and maintenance systems to cut down the cost of upkeep and reduce accidental time, consequently increase operating ratio of equipment, machine hours and outputs. 运用先进的维修理论,建立行之有效的故障诊断和维修体系,以达到降低维修成本、减少事故时间的目的,从而提高设备运行率,增加机时产量。
The application of thermo-spraying to anti-corrosion of oil tanks has some distinguished advantages such as good anti-corrosive effect, long period of service and low cost of upkeep. 热喷涂技术应用于油罐防腐具有防腐效果好、使用寿命长、维修费用低等特点。